A first date should be an enjoyable experience, however, they are mainly designed to evaluate each other as potential partners. We should expect some awkwardness, but it is important to differentiate between serious red flags and casual bumbles. We use the dating process to evaluate compatibility, and part of that is making sure we are entering a secure and safe relationship. Below are 3 red flags you should watch out for while out on a first date.
For more advice, we also have articles on Breakfast in Bed Recipes and Recovering from a Breakup

1 – Negative Interactions with Others
If your date talks down to people. Demeaning the server or making bigoted jokes about other patrons is a warning. It may be time to get out while you can. How your date treats other people is a good indication of how they will treat you as the relationship progresses. Pay attention to how they speak about past partners and ask yourself if you would feel comfortable with them saying the same about you.
2 – Poor Listening Skills
It is always nice to hear someone talk about their passions. However, if you find you can’t get a word in edgewise it may be time to try elsewhere. A healthy conversation involves good listening skills from both sides. Be attentive though, first dates can be nerve-wracking and it’s important to distinguish genuine lack of attentiveness from nervous rambling (which is much easier to fix).
3 – Unhealthy Differences
It is unlikely you and your date will agree perfectly on everything you discuss – in fact it would be a little unhealthy if you did. The red flag comes if you are unable to have a healthy discourse despite differences in opinion. If your partner can’t respect your point of view (even if they disagree) you may find any future relationship headed down a sour path.